Are you ready to vote today?
Get the information you need to vote at the November 2024 General Elections.
This information was prepared by OC Action in Orange County.
How to Vote
You can choose to vote from home by mail, or in person at a Vote Center.
- October 7: all voters start receiving their ballots by mail, and can Vote by Mail at any time through Election Day.
- Saturday, Oct 26: some Vote Centers start opening on this day and remain open every day until Election Day. Vote at any Vote Center in your county!
- Saturday, November 2: the remaining Vote Centers start opening on this day.
- Election Day is November 5. This is the last day you can mail your ballot (must be postmarked) or vote in person.
First time voting? During the November 2-5 period, you can visit any Vote Center in your county to register and cast your vote in one sitting.
What’s on my ballot?
At the November 2024 Elections, we will be voting for state propositions, elect the President and federal, state, county, city and local government officers and impact our communities’ health, housing, environmental and other policies.
Vote Yes on Prop. 5: The high cost of housing in California consumes too much of our paychecks and is hurting our quality of life. Many working families and essential workers like teachers, nurses, and firefighters are being pushed out of the communities where they work. Proposition 5 will create more housing that is affordable for working and middle-class families.
Vote No on Prop. 36: Prop 36 would roll back existing, effective safety measures like drug and mental health treatment, and dry up funding for homelessness prevention and housing. Studies have shown time and again that these are the measures that actually work to keep our communities safe.

Need help?
The Orange County Registrar’s website has tools to help you check whether you are registered, getting a new ballot, or update your information.
You have the right to vote! If you feel vote center personnel are wrongfully preventing you from voting, call the Election Voter Protection Hotline at (866) 687-8683.