This nonpartisan website is provided by OC Action to help voters in Orange County find the information they need to vote at the 2024 Elections. OC Action’s community partner organizations include:
Election Voter Protection Hotline
You have the right to vote! If you feel vote center personnel are wrongfully preventing you from voting, call the Election Voter Protection Hotline at (866) 687-8683.

Contact the OC Registrar of Voters
Through the Orange County Registrar’s website, you can:
- See if you are registered to vote
- Request that a new ballot be mailed to you
- Track delivery status of your mail ballot
- Update your mailing address or phone number
Below is the Orange County Registrar’s address and phone number if you need to mail or call the Registrar:
Orange County Registrar of Voters
1300 South Grand Ave, Building C, Santa Ana CA, 92705
(714) 567-7600 | OCVOTE.GOV