Ballot Measure Recommendations
This November 2020, remember that the office of the President is not the only decision that we get to make at the ballot box!
Propositions (ballot measures) are laws that are decided by voters. This year, measures that address racial justice, equity in education, social programs in our communities, housing, worker’s rights, health, and more will be decided by voters like us.
As a progressive AAPI-Latinx-Labor-Environmental Justice alliance, we present you with the below recommendations, which we believe will advance justice and equity for everyone across racial lines in California.
Prop 14

Stem Cell Research Bond
Proposition 14 would authorize $5.5 billion in state general obligation bonds to fund grants from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine to educational, non-profit, and private entities for: stem cell and other medical research, including training; stem cell therapy development and delivery; research facility construction; and associated administrative expenses. It also dedicates $1.5 billion to research and therapy and expands programs promoting stem cell and other medical research, therapy development and delivery, and student and physician training and fellowships.
Supporters include:
- University of California Board of Regents
- Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce
Opponents include:
- Center for Genetics and Study.
Schools and Communities First
Proposition 15 raises an estimated $6.4 billion to $11.5 billion in funding for local schools and governments by increasing property taxes on commercial and industrial properties based on current market value instead of the price they were purchased for. Based on the most recent report by Blue Sky Consulting Group, 10% of the biggest corporate property owners will pay 92% of the funding. Proposition 15 will bring California from 41st in the country to 6th for education funding per capita in the country.
- U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
- Anaheim Elementary School District
- California Teachers Association
- Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
- Orange County Business Council
- North Orange County Chamber of Commerce
Prop 16

Restore Affirmative Action
Proposition 16 restores our ability to fight racial discrimination and gender discrimination, and pursue equality opportunity policies like affirmative action, leading to good jobs, better wages, and access to great schoools for everyone in California. It does this by repealing an older law (Proposition 209) that prevented us from pursuing policies advancing equality.
Supporters include:
- California Teachers Association
- Chinese for Affirmative Action
- Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA)
- U.S. Representative Katie Porter
Opponents include:
- Bay Area Homeowners Network (BAHN)
- Chinese American Citizens Alliance Orange County (CACAOC)
- Zeidman Consulting
Prop 17

Voting Rights for Persons on Parole
Proposition 17 restores the right of people convicted of felonies, who completed their prison term and are on parole, to fully participate in our democracy and voting in elections. Would also allow people on parole who meet some criteria to run for public office.
Supporters include:
- U.S. Senator Kamala Harris
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Brennan Center for Justice
Opponents include:
- California State Senator Jim Nielsen
- Election Integrity Project (a group of conservative activists)
Prop 18

Allow 17-Year-Olds to Vote
Proposition 18 allows 17-year-old youth to vote in primaries and special elections, if they will become 18 by the time of the general elections during the same year.
Supporters include:
- California Association of Student Councils
- California Secretary of State Alex Padilla.
Opponents include:
- Election Integrity Project (a group of conservative activists)
Prop 19

Change Tax Assessment Rules
Proposition 19 allows eligible homeowners to transfer their tax assessments anywhere within the state and allow tax assessments to be transferred to a more expensive home with an upward adjustment; increase the number of times that persons over 55 years old or with severe disabilities can transfer their tax assessments from one to three; require that inherited homes that are not used as principal residences, such as second homes or rentals, be reassessed at market value when transferred; and allocate additional revenue or net savings resulting from the ballot measure to wildfire agencies and counties.
Supporters include:
- California Association of Realtors Issues Mobilization PAC
- Gavin Newsom
- California State Federation of Labor
Opponents include:
- Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
- Orange County Register
Prop 20

Change Criminal Sentencing
Law enforcement’s response to the passage of Prop 47 and 57, which downgraded drug and property crimes to misdemeanors and made it easier for some people to attain parole.
Proposition 20 would roll back those changes by imposing restrictions on parole program for people who have committed non-violent offenses and completed the full term for their primary offense; expanding the list of offenses that disqualify an inmate from this parole program; authorizing felony charges for certain theft crimes currently chargeable only as misdemeanors, including crimes where the value is between $250 and $950; and requiring people convicted of certain misdemeanors to submit to collection of DNA samples for state database. The LAO estimates that the initiative would increase state and local correctional costs likely in the tens of millions of dollars annually.
Supporters include:
- Orange County Board of Supervisors
- Los Angeles Police Protective League
- San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Employees’ Benefit Association
Opponents include:
- Former California Governor Jerry Brown
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) NorCal
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Prop 21

Expand Rent Control
Proposition 21 allows our communities to limit rent increases and preserve affordable housing.
Currently, renters at old apartments and houses are protected by rent control – a law that limits rent increases to 4% per year. However, an old law prevents this from being applied to newer buildings. Prop 21 would allow cities to apply rent control and protect renters living in buildings up to 15 years old – if applied today, it would apply to buildings built in 2005 or before, if the building owner owns more than 2 units.
Supporters include:
- U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
- Housing Now! CA
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
Opponents include:
- Prometheus Real Estate Group
- Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
- State Building and Construction Trades Council of California
Prop 22

Less Protections for App Drivers
Proposition 22 would continue to classify app-based drivers as independent contractors.
Although most drivers for app-based rideshare and delivery companies like Uber, Lyft, Postmates (now owned by Uber) and DoorDash have employment-like relationships to their companies, these companies have long claimed the drivers to be independent contractors and completely avoided providing workers’ protections and benefits for the drivers.
California has closed the loophole and ordered the drivers to be classified as employees through a new law and a court order. However, the app-based companies refused to comply and instead pushed out Prop. 22, which creates an exception in labor law specifically for the app-based companies.
Supporters include:
- Uber, Lyft, Postmates, DoorDash, Instacart
- Orange County Business Council
- California State Sheriffs’ Association
Opponents include:
- U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren
- Vice President Joe Biden
- California Labor Federation
Prop 23

Regulate Dialysis Clinics
Proposition 23 requires physician on-site at dialysis clinics and consent from the state for a clinic to close.
If a person’s kidneys stop working, they may need a special treatment called dialysis. In California, dialysis is usually provided by licensed dialysis clinics. A patient’s personal doctor must visit them at least once per month during treatment at a dialysis clinic. Dialysis treatment is paid for by Medicare, Medi-Cal and private insurance. Private insurance pays more money for treatment than Medicare and Medi-Cal.
With Prop 23, clinics would have to report any dialysis-related infections to the state every three months. Clinics would need permission from the state before closing or reducing services. Clinics could not discriminate against clients based on their insurance or how they are paying for their treatment.
Support for Prop 23 is led by:
- SEIU-UHW West, a labor union that represents health care workers.
Opponents include:
- DaVita (the leading U.S. company selling dialysis treatments)
- Orange County Medical Association
- Orange County Business Council
Prop 24

Consumer Privacy
Proposition 24 expands the provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act and creates an agency to implement and enforce it.
With Prop 24, people would have some increased power over their personal data. Consumers could contact companies to prevent them from sharing or using “sensitive personal information.” This includes location data, health information or private communications.
Supporters include:
- Consumer Watchdog
- Common Sense Media
Opponents include:
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Consumer Action
Prop 25

End Cash Bail
Proposition 25 replaces cash bail with risk assessments for suspects awaiting trial.
When a person is charged with a crime, they may have to stay in jail while waiting for a trial. One way that people are released from jail is by paying bail. Bail is money used to guarantee that a person will return to court.
Prop 25 would allow for people charged with less serious crimes to be released before trial. Judges would decide if people charged with more serious crimes should be released or kept in jail, based on whether they are considered a danger to the public or might not return to court.
Supporters include:
- Anti-Recidivism Coalition
- California Teachers Association
- NextGen California
Opponents include:
- Orange County Board of Supervisors
- Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes
- Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association